
Oils & Fats News January 2006

Correspondence on Rice Bran Oil We received interested feedback from Dr Peter Barnes, editor of Lipid Technology, who wrote “The table in the article quotes about 10mg/100g for alpha tocophero in the samples of rice bran oil on the NZ supermarket shelvesl. In an early issue of Lipid Technology (July 1990, Vol 2, No 3, Pages 72-76) Bob Sayers and Robin Saunders quoted 0.02% total tocopherols for refined rice bran oil (20mg/100g).  On the other hand, cereal bran is usually rich in tocotrienols rather than…

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Oils & Fats News October 2005

Rice Bran Oil There has been a lot of publicity about the arrival of a relatively new (to NZ that is) oil on the supermarket shelves.  Rice bran oil is touted as a cold-filtered, vegetable oil that is high in plant sterols and Vitamin E and has the most balanced fatty acid composition imaginable.  Is it really a wonder oil or is it just another refined oil dressed up to imitate natural cold pressed oils? Crude rice bran oil is dark in colour and high…

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Oils & Fats News August 2005

Fabuless Weight Loss Ingredient DSM Food Specialties and Lipid Technologies Provider AB (LTP) have signed an exclusive, worldwide sales and marketing agreement to promote a novel and unique weight management ingredient. Branded as Fabuless by DSM, the new product helps control food intake without the sacrifice and discipline usually associated with dieting and weight control. Developed and marketed as Olibra by LTP, Fabuless triggers the natural appetite control mechanism and suppresses the hunger signals that would normally be sent hours after a meal. Consumers feel more…

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Oils & Fats News May 2005

{{unknown}}AGM and plans for 2005/2006 There were few changes to the committee at the AGM with David Illingworth resigning and Helen Tervit joining. Dr. Rufus Turner of Crop and Food research gave a short talk on oxidised fats in the diet and why we should all go for pristine oils in dark glass or tin. Plans are afoot for a book on lipids in Australasia so long as we can get author support. The website continues to be updated and we recently placed the proceedings…

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Oils & Fats News February 2005

Heart Tick Criteria The Heart Foundation has changed the rules for gaining “the tick” on vegetable oils.  This will mainly affect oils containing partially hydrogenated oils and fats. Ruminant products are unaffected. The new criteria are: Saturated fat – 20% or less of total fat Trans fat – 1% of total fat or less Analytical results to be from a NATA approved laboratory. The current rules (<28%  total Sats & Trans)) cease and the new ones come into play on 30 January 2006. Trans Fat…

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Oils & Fats News December 2004/January 2005

A Safe & Happy New Year to you all and here’s to a prosperous 2005 for everyone. Culinary Oils Seminar 54 people from various disciplines attended this one-day event at Hort Research in Auckland on the 24th November. Laurence Eyres (Chairman) commenced the day by discussing processing methods and quality outcomes and re-emphasized the need for GMP (good manufacturing practice) and hygiene in the plant.  The key parameters for quality of high value oils are exclusion of oxygen and removal of water and solid material. …

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Oils & Fats News September 2004

The Culinary Oils Teach-in Workshop This exciting event is scheduled to happen at HortResearch on November 24 th. It’s an all day event which promises to be educational and enjoyable. The top quality food alone is worth the attendance!! Age Related Macular Degeneration This was the topic of recent controversy on Channel 7 in Australia recently. Dr Beaumont, an opthamologist drew an unsubstantiated correlation between this disease and the consumption of vegetable oils.The CSIRO were quick to put out a statement opposing this unscientific conclusion.…

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Oils & Fats News July 2004

Seminar in November (culinary oils) at Hort research Details are being finalized for this interesting seminar in November see details below and registration information. We believe the seminar will be of vital interest to the producers, exporters and users of these modern, boutique and culinary oils. The markets for olive, avocado, flaxseed, pumpkinseed and others is expanding as the world looks to healthier and tastier alternatives to the bulk commodity oils. Update on Omega 3 More and more literature is emerging about the health effects…

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Oils & Fats News May 2004

Annual General Meeting  The AGM in May 2004 at Wolfie’s  Restaurant was as usual a jolly and bacchanalian affair with excellent food.  The present committee was voted in after a liberal infusion of chosen wines by HortResearch personnel.  Geoff Webster was allowed to resign after many years of diligent service and as a penance had to give a farewell speech on twenty years in the oil trade. Professor Cambie broke the tradition of extremely brief and formal meetings (less than one minute) by saying kind…

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Oil & Fat News April 2004

The South Beach Diet Fats and oils have been the villain in terms of poor dietary practice for over 30 years.  Now a new look by a cardiologist, Dr  Agatston,  proposes a pragmatic, logical and common-sense approach to losing weight on a sensible dietary regime. The new villain on the block is dietary carbohydrate.  Not just sucrose but fructose, glucose and simple starches. These compounds have a profound effect on insulin production which stimulates appetite and encourages one to consume more sugar. The book is…

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