Tag Archives: nutrition & journalism


Oils and Fats News May 2011

AGM 2011 This year’s AGM and dinner will be on June 7th at the Northern Club. The cost is $45.00 for a two course dinner with wine, and coffee. For attendance email eyresy@gmail.com Dietary and nutrition mis-reporting Over two-thirds of the dietary information printed in national UK newspapers does not have sound scientific backing, according to a new study that raises concerns that misinformation is leading to public misconceptions about food. Daily newspapers are an important source of information about nutrition and health for the general public,…

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Oils and Fats News November 2010

AGM outcomes As usual after the merry and bacchanalian annual get-together, the committee were re-elected for another year. The newsletter still gets published periodically but contributions and ideas are always welcome. Copies of the Handbook are now free to Academic institutions so long as they pay the packaging and postage. Olive oil and health Extra-virgin olive oil can protect the liver from oxidative stress. Researchers writing in BioMed Central’s open access journal Nutrition and Metabolism exposed rats to a moderately toxic herbicide known to deplete…

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Oils and Fats News April/May 2009

{{unknown}}AGM This year’s AGM is tentatively being pencilled in for 5th May so please make a note in your diaries. We are planning for a BYO restaurant on Dominion Rd in order to keep costs modest in these recessionary days. Olive oil processing course – Olives New Zealand It is proposed that the first course for this year is held from Friday 3 April to Sunday 5 April inclusive. Maggie and Ross Legh have generously agreed to allow their olive oil processing facility near Wellsford to be used…

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Oils & Fats News May 2006

A Fishy Tale? Readers of this column will know that this reviewer is extremely interested in the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids and the importance of the correct fatty acid ratios in the diet. Monday March 27th was when the rosy glow surrounding all the good and emerging news about omega-3 fatty acids was dulled somewhat by that most scientific of media channels - The New Zealand Herald. This our favourite daily paper, trumpeted the following headline, “Heart benefits of omega-3 a medical myth, study…

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