Tag Archives: walnut oil


Oils and Fats News January/February 2011

A new Standard for Australian olive oil This new standard has been drafted by Standards Australia and will also become a NZ standard. The draft is available for public comment Olive oil for curing ailments It is a bit late for the festive season but a recent study showed that taking a spoonful of EV olive oil before indulging, can alleviate the effects of the alcohol. Too late for last holidays but the following research may help those of us who are getting on in…

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Oils and Fats News March 2008

Conference News Plans are proceeding well for the two day Functional Foods and Edible Oils – The Future conference in November. Eighteen of the twenty two speakers are now virtually confirmed and we will be putting the programme and brochure on the website in about a month. Note that sales of the book “Handbook of Australasian Edible Oils” are continuing but take-up is a little slow and we encourage people to visit the website and take advantage of the offer. www.foodworks.co.nz/oilsfats/ Italian police crack down…

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